Layout Patterns for Semantic Annotation

Authors: Bruce Miller


This proposal should be considered obsolete; it has been superceded by Semantics Mini. (although the list of samples that need effective annotation is useful)


MathML 3 is a W3C recommendation for representing mathematical expressions. It defines two forms: Presentation MathML describes how the math looks and is the most commonly used; Content MathML aims to completely describe the math’s meaning, and is consequently difficult to produce. The purpose of this note is to develop a means of adding at least minimal semantic information to Presentation MathML to support accessibility.


Consider the variety of purposes for which a superscript is employed. Most commonly, one writes $x^2$ or $x^n$ for powers; abstractly, power is applied to 2 arguments. But superscripts are also used for indexing, such as with tensors or matrices $\Phi^i$. Abstractly, a different operation is applied the same 2 arguments, but in neither case is the implied operator obviously associated with either the base or superscript.

Then there are cases where the superscript itself indicates which operator is used: $z^*$, $A^T$, $A^\dagger$. Here the operators are conjugate, transpose and adjoint, respectively; in each case, the base is the single argument while the operator is implied by the superscript. Of course, sometimes these operations are written in functional notation, $\mathrm{conj}(z)$, $\mathrm{trans}(A)$, $\mathrm{adj}(A)$, so we ought not conflate the meaning “transpose of A” with the specific superscript notation that was used.

But sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. While in some contexts, $x’$ might represent the derivative of $x$, in other contexts the $x’$ as a whole simply represents “a different x”, or perhaps “the frobulator”.

Another notational pattern is seen in the somewhat messy markup commonly used for a binomial coefficient $\binom{n}{m}$, having the arguments $n$ and $m$ are buried in the markup, stacked and wrapped in parentheses. The fact that an almost identical markup, possibly with different fences, is also used for Eulerian numbers, Legendre and Jacobi symbols, and conversely, that other notations, such as $C^n_m$, are used for binomial coefficients, again suggests a benefit to decoupling the notation and meaning of the expression.

The common theme is that there are a collection of notational structures that are essential for understanding the meanings of mathematical expressions, but do not determine it alone.


We’ll use the term notation, or notational category, to refer to a presentation markup pattern which defines its visual layout along with a notion of how the pieces of that pattern correspond to an operator and arguments to imply a content oriented representation. The notation is distinct from the meaning. Indeed, as we have seen, the same notational pattern can be used to layout expressions using several distinct operators, while conversely, expressions with the same meaning can be displayed in several different ways. Thus, we expect the meaning to be encoded separately.

We propose two new attributes (names subject to change) on Presentation MathML elements as follows.

The presence of one or both of these attributes on a Presentation MathML node effectively defines a mapping from that presentation tree to an equivalent, potentially less ambiguous, content oriented tree (or even Content MathML, depending on the precision of the meaning). Given a notation attribute, an operation is either implied by the notation or the notation indicates the location of an operator node in the subtree; that operator node’s meaning attribute is the operation. The equivalent content tree is then simply the application of that operation to the arguments. When no notation keyword is given on a node, the meaning attribute simply gives the meaning of the entire node; effectively the equivalent is simply a content token.

Ultimately, the goal is to translate this virtual content tree into text or speech (in different languages), braille or some other form. The preferred translation may also depend on context and user profile. On the one hand, the most natural translation of a given expression will depend on the operator. It is thus desirable to have a set of known meanings with translation rules. On the other hand, mathematics encompasses an endless set of concepts, arguing that the set of meanings should be open-ended. We propose that there should be a small set of recommended meaning keywords whose translation can be specialized, while allowing any value for the meaning (an implementation is free to recognize more meaning keywords). In the case where a meaning is not known, support for multiple languages or user profiles would likely be lost; the translation of content token should simply be the value of the meaning attribute, or in general a template like “the [meaning] of [arg1], [arg2] and [argn] …”.

In any case, author supplied annotation of the notations has simplified the task by isolating the operator and arguments of subexpressions, (mostly?) eliminating the need to pattern match on the presentation tree.

Some Examples

With this model, the two msup examples, power $x^n$ and transpose $A^T$, would be distinguished as follows:

<msup notation="sup" meaning="power">

The translation could be of various forms including “the n-th power of x”, or “x squared” for $x^2$. The transpose example would be marked up as

<msup notation="sup-operator">
  <mi meaning="transpose">T</mi>

which is easily extended to cover conjugate and adjoint. Or even

<msup notation="sup-operator">
  <mi meaning="Tralfamadorian inverse">T</mi>

which could be translated as “the Tralfamadorian inverse of A”, without needing any additional dictionary entries. Likewise,

<msup meaning="frobulator">

would be used for a composite symbol $x’$ which stands for the frobulator; the translation would simply be “frobulator”.

A binomial would be marked up as:

<mrow notation="stacked-fenced" meaning="binomial">
  <mfrac thickness="0pt">

This pattern covers Eulerian numbers, Jacobi and Legendre symbols. Conversely, it still allows alternate notations for binomials while keeping the same semantics, since we can write:

<msubsup notation="base-operation">
  <mi meaning="binomial">C</mi>

with (presumably) exactly the same translation as above.

Infix may be a bit of a special case, depending on how mrow is used, since there may be multiple operators involved. For example,

<mrow notation="infix">
  <mo meaning="plus">+</mo>
  <mo meaning="minus">-</mo>
  <mo meaning="plus">+</mo>

The translation might be driven more by the notation than the meaning, such as the concatenation of the translation of the children: “a plus b minus c plus d”. A variety of infix operators ($\times$, $\cdot$, etc) are handled by adding the appropriate meaning attribute to each.

Prefix and Postfix operators, are simple, provided they are contained within an mrow:

<mrow notation="postfix">
  <mo meaning="factorial">!</mo>

It is tempting to think of functional notations $f(x)$ or $g(x,y)$ as special cases of a prefix notation (where we would presumably need to make provision for marking and ignoring fences and punctuation), or whether these deserve their own notations (possibly several, in order to cope with said fences and punctuation).

Notation Catalog

The following table is intended to be illustrative. The names of these keywords are subject to change; the set is far from complete, and not all have been completely thought out.

Notation Description
infix <mrow notation="infix"> #arg [#op #arg]* </mrow>
  row of alternating terms and infix operators; the operators would typically have a meaning assigned.
prefix <mrow notation="prefix"> #op #arg </mrow>
  operator preceding its argument
postfix <mrow notation="postfix"> #arg #op </mrow>
  operator following its argument
sup <msup notation="sup"> #arg1 #arg2 </msup>
  the meaning (defaults to power?) applied to the base and superscript.
sub <msup notation="sub"> #arg1 #arg2 </msub>
  the meaning applied to the base and subscript.
base-operator <msup notation="base-operator"> #op #arg </msup>
  the base is an operator applied to the superscript
sup-operator <msup notation="sup-operator"> #arg #op </msup>
  the superscript is an operator applied to the base
fenced <mrow notation="fenced" meaning="#meaning"> #fence #arg [#punct #arg]* #fence </mrow>
  a fenced sequence of items with a semantic significance
fenced-sub <msub><mrow> #fence #arg [#punct #arg]* #fence </mrow> #arg </msub>
  like fenced, but with the subscript being an additional argument
stacked-fenced <mrow> #fence <mfrac> #1 #2 </mfrac> #fence </mrow>
  a fenced fraction (often with linethickness=0) with a semantic significance
table <mtable> [<mtr> [<mtd> #arg </mtd>]* </mtr>]* </mtable>
  the table represents some mathematical object; presumably the rows and columns specify the arguments.
table-fenced <mrow> #fence <mtable> [<mtr> [<mtd> #arg </mtd>]* </mtr>]* </mtable> #fence </mrow>
  like table, but fenced.

The patterns are currently informative, primarily to serve as a shorthand for the locations of operators (#op) (which would normally have a meaning attribute) and arguments (#arg). These locations will be more precisely defined in any eventual specification.

Fences and punctuation (#fence, #punct) indicate the positions of fences and punctuation.

Speculation on ignorable fences, punctuation

Since the notation has been explicitly given by the author, fences and punctuation are ignorable from the point of view of determining the operator and arguments. Perhaps they deserve a special attribution (eg. meaning=”ignorable” or notation=”ignorable”?). This would collapse the number of notation keywords, but perhaps at the cost of increasing the burden of authoring tools, and user agents?

Examples of notations

Note that often the same meaning will appear within different notations.

infix arithmetic
<mrow notation="infix">
  <mo meaning="plus">+</mo>
  <mo meaning="minus">-</mo>
  <mo meaning="plus">+</mo>
inner product $\mathbf{a}\cdot\mathbf{b}$
<mrow notation="infix">
  <mi mathvariant="bold">a</mi>
  <mo meaning="inner-product>&#x22C5;</mo>
  <mi mathvariant="bold">b</mi>
Easily extended to other operators and meanings: cross-product, "by", etc.
prefix negation $-a$
<mrow notation="prefix">
  <mo meaning="unary-minus">-</mo>
Laplacian $\nabla^2 f$
<mrow notation="prefix">
  <msup meaning="laplacian">
postfix factorial $n!$
<mrow notation="postfix">
  <mo meaning="factorial">!</mo>
sup power $x^n$
<msup notation="sup" meaning="power">
repeated application
$f^n$ ($=f(f(...f))$)
<msup notation="sup" meaning="applicative-power">
inverse $\sin^{-1}$
<msup notation="sup" meaning="applicative-power">
$n$-th derivative $f^{(n)}$
<msup notation="sup" meaning="nth-derivative-implicit-variable">
sub indexing $a_i$
<msup notation="sub" meaning="index">
sup-operator transpose $A^T$
<msup notation="sup-operator">
  <mi meaning="transpose">T</mn>
adjoint $A^\dagger$
<msup notation="sup-operator">
  <mi meaning="adjoint">&dagger;</mn>
$2$-nd derivative $f''$
<msup notation="sup" meaning="2nd-derivative-implicit-variable">
base-operator binomail $C^n_m$
<msubsup notation="base-operation">
  <mi meaning="binomial">C</mi>
Note the argument order is reversed
fenced absolute value $|x|$
<mrow notation="fenced" meaning="absolute-value">
norm $|\mathbf{x}|$
<mrow notation="fenced" meaning="norm">
  <mi> mathvariant="bold"x</mi>
determinant $|\mathbf{X}|$
<mrow notation="fenced" meaning="determinant">
  <mi mathvariant="bold">X</mi>
sequence $\lbrace a_n\rbrace$
<mrow notation="fenced" meaning="sequence">
open interval $(a,b)$
<mrow notation="fenced" meaning="open-interval">
open interval $]a,b[$
<mrow notation="fenced" meaning="open-interval">
closed, open-closed, etc. similarly
inner product $\left<\mathbf{a},\mathbf{b}\right>$
<mrow notation="fenced" meaning="inner-product">
  <mi mathvariant="bold">a</mi>
  <mi mathvariant="bold">b</mi>
Legendre symbol $(n|p)$
<mrow notation="fenced" meaning="Legendre symbol">
Jacobi symbolsimilarly
$(j_1 m_1 j_2 m_2 | j_1 j_2 j_3 m_3)|$
<mrow notation="fenced" meaning="Clebsch-Gordan">
fenced-sub Pochhammer $\left(a\right)_n$
<msup notation="fenced-sub" meaning="Pochhammer">
fenced-stacked binomial $\binom{n}{m}$
<mrow notation="stacked-fenced" meaning="binomial">
  <mfrac thickness="0pt">
multinomial $\binom{n}{m_1,m_2,m_3}$
<mrow notation="stacked-fenced" meaning="multinomial">
  <mfrac thickness="0pt">
??? puntuation separates the several arguments?
Eulerian numbers $\left< n \atop k \right>$
<mrow notation="stacked-fenced" meaning="Eulerian-numbers">
  <mfrac thickness="0pt">
fenced-table 3j symbol
$\left(\begin{array}{ccc}j_1& j_2 &j_3 \\ m_1 &m_2 &m_3\end{array}\right)$
<mrow notation="fenced" meaning="3j">
6j, 9j, ...similarly

The Bad and the Ugly

Special cases and various bits not quite worked out.

infix, prefix, postfix

Infix may be a bit of a special case, depending on how mrow is used, and depending on what is required. For a row with multiple operators with the same precedence, it may be sufficient to simply “read” across al the children (alternating terms and operators). When prefix, postfix or function calls are involved, those groups probably will need to be grouped in their own mrow.

powers and defaults

Given that powers are probably the most common markup for superscripts, defaults would be nice. Omitting the notation attribute, but providing meaning="power" would suggest that the entire msup has meaning “power”, which is wrong. However, perhaps power could be the default meaning for notation sup?

Note that, for $A^T$, one might be tempted to place meaning="transpose" on the msup, but that would imply that transpose is being applied to both $A$ and $T$.

sub-, super-, over-, under-scripts

For any single script, the pattern is essentially the same, with cases where the operator is the script, the base(?) or neither (in which case the meaning would appear on the msup, eg). However, it is common for both sub- and superscripts to be used, with different purposes. Or even combinations of regular and over- and underscripts. Not to mention, prescripts.

Even worse, the nesting that is preferred for aesthetics is often the opposite of the semantic nesting. For example, David Farmer’s example $\overline{x}_i$ which was taken to mean the mean of the i-th interval. Presumably $x_i$ is the i-th interval, but the line (from the inner mover) only covers the $x$.

How should the different operators be indicated, and reversing the nesting?


In many cases, eg. conditional sets $\lbrace x \in \Re | x > 0 \rbrace$, different punctuation may collect arguments into different groups. It may be necessary to distinguish the number of elements within the fence and the presence, or lack, of punctuation


In multinomial coeefficients, the bottom row is punctuated; is it appropriate to generalize fenced-stacked to deal with punctuation?

Function calls

The notations used for functions varies widely; with $f(x)$ and without $\sin x$ parentheses; various punctuations $A(a,b;z|q)$; distinguishing “parameters” from “arguments” including some in subscripts and some conventional $J_\nu(z)$. Additionally, the MathML markup may or may not include an explicit &ApplyFunction;. Without care, this could lead to an endless list of very specialized notations, or alternatively would require complex matching to determine the arguments.

An alternative might be that if the relevant fences and punctuation is recognized (or appropriately marked), they would be ignorable (other than possibly affecting grouping), so that

<mrow notation="funcall">
  <mo notation="open">(</mo>
  <mo notation="punct">,</mo>
  <mo notation="punct">;</mo>
  <mo notation="punct">|</mo>
  <mo notation="close">(</mo>

would be “easily” recognized as $f$ applied to $a,b,z$ and $q$.

Perhaps some notion of currying could be used to deal with $J_\nu(z)$:

<mrow notation="funcall">
  <msub notation="base-operator">
    <mi meaning="BesselJ">J</mi>
  <mo notation="open">(</mo>
  <mo notation="close">(</mo>

Derivatives and Integrals

Although Leibnitz’ notation for differentiation is nicely suggestive, it is perhaps not useful to rely on implied limits to annotate the range of expressions encountered. $\frac{df}{dx}$, $\frac{d^2f}{dx^2}$, $\frac{d^2f}{dx dy}$ (in the second case: the msup should contain “dx”, not just “x”!) The best solution would avoid an explosion of special-case notations, the need for complicated matching, and still keep the markup manageable. Probably explicitly marking the differentials would be a first step. Then perhaps something like the following could be worked out:

<mfrac notation="Leibnitz-derivative">
      <mo notation="differential">d</mo>
    <mo notation="differential">d</mo>
    <mo notation="differential">d</mo>

Or perhaps not.

Integration is a bit different, but perhaps also benefits from explicitly marking the differentials, since they may appear in several locations: $\int f(x) dx$, but also $\int dx f(x)$, and even $\int \frac{dr}{r}$. Perhaps searching for those differentials (that are not part of a derivative) is workable.

Continued Fractions

Several notations. Not really thought through.


This idea has a lot of detail to be worked out, including at least

An Alternative

An alternative may be to define some small language for listing the locations of arguments in the subtree; presumably something more concise than XPath.